Arduino TinyDuino TinyCircuits kit solder TinyShield TinyLily education fun LED
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These displays look and act just like character LCDs but are way glowier, and are very readable even from a distance. As a bonus, you only need 3 digital pins to control it as it is a SPI/serial interface not parallel.
Seven segment LED display with 4 digits, 4 decimal points and a colon LED display in between. This device is useful for clock display, time display, counter display, timing display as like stop watch and more.
This is a 8 x 8 LED dot matrix. It comes with a I2C backpack which allows you to have on two use ony 2 pins to for the display saving you lots of IO.
This is a 1.2 inch 8 x 8 Bi-color square LED matrix. It comes with a I2C backpack which allows you to have on two use ony 2 pins to for the display saving you lots of IO.
This is a RFID / NFC shield that is design by Adafruit Industries. This shield is designed to use I2C or SPI communication protocols an therefore compatible with any "classic" Arduino - NG, Diecimilla, Duemilanove, UNO - as well as Mega R3 or later.
The ADXL335 is the latest and greatest from Analog Devices, known for their exceptional quality MEMS devices.
This is a 12 bar Bi-Color LED.
This is a 16 characters by 2 row OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) display.
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