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Educational Kits
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The SpikenzieLabs Calculator Kit is an electronics kit that makes a working pocket calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide. The electronics has easy to solder through-hole parts. Assembling the case is also part of the fun. It is a stylish set of laser cut acrylic pieces.
The Dice Kit is a deluxe electronic die and a great electronics kit for anyone that wants to learn how to solder. To use it, tap it on a table and with each, you are "rolling" the dice. Each tap displays a number from 1 through 6 by lighting up the appropriate number of LEDs in a traditional 'Dice' Layout.
The Dice Kit is a deluxe electronic die and is a great electronics kit for anyone that wants to learn how to solder. To use it, tap it on a table and with each, you are "rolling" the dice. Each tap displays a number from 1 through 6 by lighting up the appropriate number of LEDs in a traditional 'Dice' Layout.
This is the latest watch kit from SpikenzieLabs. This new version is even more hackable than ever. The on board microcontroller in this model is the very popular ATmega328P used in many of the current versions of Arduino. In fact, you can reprogram your watch using the same Arduino IDE software that you use for a regular Arduino
This is an easy to solder real time watch kit with a unique laser cut acrylic casing. Four individual acrylic parts cut to fit the internal PCB, battery and switch perfectly. Included is a velcro wrist band. After soldering the Solder:Time, the watch is built by stacking the acrylic parts with the PCB and holding it together with the included screws.
The Povard, one of the most revolutionary POV devices created especially for electronics enthusiasts.
The Drum Kit - kit AI is our 'All Included' version of drum kit. The Drum Kit - Kit AI, has an onboard ATmega, MIDI-out port, connector for a FTDI USB-Serial cable and a host of other great features.
The SpikenzieLabs Telegraph Decoder Kit, is a two part kit that makes an Arduino based Morse Code decoder with a large 16 segment LED display to show the decoder letters and numbers. The kit also includes an elegant telegraph key made out of laser cut acrylic but with "antique" styling.
The Bare Essentials to get going with the TinyDuino!
The Bare Essentials for working with the TinyLily Mini!
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