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RFID / NFC Controllers, Tags and accessories.
This is a RFID / NFC shield that is design by Adafruit Industries. This shield is designed to use I2C or SPI communication protocols an therefore compatible with any "classic" Arduino - NG, Diecimilla, Duemilanove, UNO - as well as Mega R3 or later.
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These can be read by almost any 13.56MHz RFID/NFC reader but make sure it can handle MiFare cards as there are a few other encoding standards (like FeLica).
This is a blank MiFare Classic card - often used for train/bus passes but also found in other systems where a proximity card is desired. The tag contains a NXP S50 chip and an antenna, and is passively powered by the reader/writer when placed a couple inches away.
Use these blank MiFare Classic 1K RFID/NFC Cards (13.56MHz) for your RFID/NFC projects. Comes in a packet of TEN cards.
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