
Our company

We specialises in customised micro-controller solutions, interactive displays, electronic gadgets and LED displays.

Our team

We are a team of Engineers, Designers and Makers.

What we do

Besides designing new gadgets and selling gadgets to the general public, we  also provide engineering solution.

We have a wide range of customers from different field, ranging from exhibtion / events organisers, industrial automation integrator, system integrator, shop owners, makers, artists, schools and students.


Our Contacts

If you need any customized engineering solution or thinking of creating cool gadgets but does not have the "know how" feel free to talk to us. No obligations.


Address: 3E Gadgets Pte. Ltd, 14 Robinson Road, #08-01A, Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545 (Please note that this address is NOT a retail outlet.)

Fax: +65 6333 4636


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